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The Distillery Journal – The Colour Issue

Exploring the culture of creativity and business

From the garden to the kitchen, the factory to the studio, colour pervades every aspect of creative practice. It can excite us, distract us, calm us down or remind us of the past. Harnessed through creativity, it can be a powerful tool that can ignite true passion.

At The Distillery, we’re inspired by leaders who have forged enterprises, fuelled by their passion and entrepreneurial spirit. In the first issue of The Distillery Journal, we explore the stories of creative practitioners, and reflect on their process and strategies behind their success, and how they sought opportunity, embraced and responded to challenges.

Designed, written and photographed by The Distillery, the first issue is a 60pp, full colour, perfect bound journal. It features interviews with artist Rosie Deacon, floral stylist Jardine Hansen, neon maker Lance Lollback and restaurateur Nelly Robinson. We delve deep into practice, and find out more about what motivates and inspires creative thinkers and leaders.

In the coming months we’ll also be calling for expressions of interest for Issue 2, so stay tuned for more info.

If you’re interested in a copy, or would like to stock it in your store, salon, cafe or co-working space, please get in touch!



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