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To Have, To Hold Window Display


How can you distract the public from their fast-paced lives? Our solution: Make them stop and smell the giant roses.

The is exactly what we at The Distillery wanted to accomplish in our larger-than-life window installation, titled ‘To Have, To Hold’.

As a creative print studio which exists in an ever evolving digital world, we are passionate about utilising craft to execute ideas. We wanted to create an installation that was celebratory, visually engaging and captured the beauty of lasting love. We thought there was no better subject matter than the wonderment of nature. It seemed obvious to bring our story to life with what we love most, paper.

Sprawled over two windows, the installation features a pair of floating, overflowing landscapes sculpted from fine Italian crepe.








At Celebrations by The Distillery, we are honoured to work alongside newly engaged couples, bringing their wedding day to life with creativity, passion and our specialty production techniques. The traditional wedding vow, ‘to have and to hold’ inspired us with ideas about dedication, and particularly tactility – something we create everyday with letterpress printing.

From there, a commitment and very unique long term relationship blossomed.

Together, our team of designers, craftspeople and artists sculpted over 140 flower specimens and 6,720 petals. The process required each petal to be cut, stretched and dusted with pastel before being assembled and formed. The final outcome took over 900 hours of love to complete.

We wanted to spread joy in Darlinghurst, by creating a surreal environment with bursts of colour and whimsy on a massive scale. The largest peonies measure 500mm in diameter, and stand tall amongst illuminated letterforms. The final result is a cheerful sea of flowers by day, and a gentle, glowing garden by night.








We proudly celebrate craftsmanship, alongside nature and tactility. And most importantly, capture the beauty of lasting love.

Come by and enjoy the installation, on show at 115 Crown Street for a limited time. The installation will also be featured at The Cutaway, Barrangaroo during One Fine Day wedding fair, 4-5th February 2017.